3 Reasons to Invest in Robots

You won’t feel good to imagine another pandemic, like the COVID-19, coming to disrupt your comfort zone. However, the sad reality is that there will be demographic, economic, or technological disruptions. Does this mean you have no control over the future? No.

Robots may be the answer to securing humanity’s future. What has this to do with your life, business, or neighborhood? Let’s dive right into this article.

1.   Demographics Are Scary

Look at the global population distribution. You realize that as most countries develop, the population growth reduces. A higher percentage becomes old.This has two implications.

First, we must find a remedy for production. Otherwise, we won’t produce food, clothes or other marvelous luxuries.

This is because the production energy in humankind is dying when a majority of the population composes the old. Secondly, we must reduce the further loss of humans.

To sustain a business, you must automate it. Apart from replacing the retired workforce, exploiting a robot advantage brings the following into your business:

Speed: The machines lack distractions and never take job breaks. Besides, machines don’t need regular meetings as you humans do.

This ensures your productive activities never stop. As a result, you can produce faster and hence speed up your return on investment.

Improved safety: Don’t you want to save humanity by reducing workplace deaths? Let machines handle production that involves high temperatures, sharp tools, and other risky environments.

Apart from securing the future of businesses, you need robots to help at home. Collaborative robots will serve as caregivers to the old while the energetic population focuses on other business missions. Friendly robots can cook, serve, and monitor the health of the elderly.

2.   Artificial Intelligence Is Uprising

Robots express the power of AI. First, you need to understand the logic behind AI and robotics.

AI is a software that can mimic the human brain. Robotics, on the other hand, is the creation of physical bodies to ease human activities. What does this mean?

A robot though helpful, may not be intelligent. And here’s the most exciting part:

There has been a massive growth in artificial intelligence over the past decade. Think about Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant. More programmers are showing interest in machine learning (a branch of AI).

To express the full potential of the AI future, AI is embedded in robots. Merging of AI and robots produces more physical bodies able to see, smell, and make independent decisions— even better than humans.

Surprisingly, most of the recent robots are artificially intelligent!

Consequently, you won’t be able to complete businesses that apply robots in productive activities. This is because of the increased precision of robots. Employees of such businesses are also happier since they don’t have to undertake repetitive, boring, or tedious tasks.

3.   There Is Survival Urgency

With AI uprising and population diminishing, is the earth coming unsafe for human existence? This can be a hot debate, right? Whatever burning the debate is, one thing is certain:

We must find a quick fix to the fast-changing world if we don’t want to go extinct.

Consequently, scientists are having sleepless nights as they strive to push humans into other bodies like Mars. This mission requires 99% (if not 100%) automation.

Artificially intelligent robots travel into space. Using gyro-sensors, they examine the survival potential of the bodies, return to earth, and help humans decide the quickest routeto colonizing Mars.

‘What is my role in the Mars colonization?’ You ask. It’s simple: You don’t have to actively participate in the mission.

However, you can contribute to human survival by creating more jobs. How? Give your employees a chance to supervise robots as robots work and create more jobs.


You need robots now than before. If you don’t use robots or plan to produce, invest in robots. This is the shortcut to remaining competitive while saving humans from extinction.